Where do you ship from ?

We ship from our partnered warehouses & factories located in US & China. So, please expect your items to be shipped separately (if you order more than one item) as different factories specialise in different areas of manufacturing.

 How long will it take for my items to arrive ?

It will usually take 7-30 business days for all orders to arrive. Shipping times vary from product-to-product; based on demand and shipping location. Delivery times are approximates only and do not include our processing time. In rare cases standard US shipping can take up to 3 weeks and international up to 40 business days. Holiday season delivery times may be longer than usual. Please allow the estimated delivery time to pass before contacting us. Note that international delivery times vary due to customs inspections. We are not responsible for any import taxes or customs duties charged on international orders. The recipient may be subject to these fees.

 How long will it take to receive a tracking number ?

It will usually take between 2-5 business days.

 Where can I place an order from ?

You can place an order from any country, We ship Worldwide.

 Is shipping really FREE ?

Yes, our standard shipping is Free Worldwide. the Priority Insured Shipping costs 2,99$ - Includes tracking number and Insurance for if your product is lost / damaged / or stolen some items.